Mr. Gollub MPL, MSG, an experienced professional specializing in innovation-driven economic strategy for nations, regions, industries and major institutions (universities, institutes, tech centers) globally. As part of the ISC team he will help accelerate the discovery, development and deployment of solutions to invasive species challenges through ‘convening the marketplace’ of both demand and supply-side stakeholders. In other words, his business development mission is to help markets work to solve sustainability issues. He began his career at SRI International where he spent 16 years as co-founder of the Center for Economic Competitiveness. He subsequently served for nine years as vice president for global economic development at ICF International after which he founded James Gollub Associates, his action-focused think tank. His prior initiatives to address sustainability issues by helping markets work include assisting agricultural growers to collaborate in discovering and extracting high-value added ingredients from commodities, defining the innovation roadmap for the accelerating progress of stem cells to clinical application, organizing a collaborative to overcome barriers to growth of offshore wind energy, planning multiple collaboratives on hydrogen and fuel cell technology and industry development, planning biotech institutes designed to generate commercial solutions to needs of regional economies, and many more initiatives in fuel cells and hydrogen, mobile digital telephony.