How Zequanox® Protects Aquatic Systems from Invasive Mussels

Aquatic ecosystems may be the most vulnerable to the disastrous effects of invasive species. Because of an unfair advantage, invasive species alter the natural equilibrium of an ecology and, therefore, cause severe damage to the existing organisms and consequently the economy of a region. Zebra and quagga mussels are the poster child of invasive species. They cause problems due to their massive reproduction capability and their natural ability to attach themselves to almost any surface. Fortunately, there is an innovative, cost-effective natural solution that can keep them in check and even eradicate them: Zequanox.

This innovative molluscicide provides an effective way of controlling these invasive mussels without the adverse side effects of traditional chemical treatments. Let’s explore the purposes, properties, and uses of Zequanox in enclosed and open water systems.

What is Zequanox?

Zequanox is a biological molluscicide targeting zebra and quagga mussels at all life stages. Unlike other chemical solutions, Zequanox is made from non-living naturally existing bacteria, specifically Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A. This makes it the only non-toxic, environmentally friendly product for mussel control. It is highly selective, impacting only zebra and quagga mussels, with extensive toxicology tests conducted on a long list of other living organisms, insuring that non-target species and the surrounding ecosystem remain unharmed when Zequanox is used as directed.

How Does Zequanox Work?

Zequanox leverages the biological properties of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A, which produces a protein in its cells that disrupts the mussels’ guts when ingested. When used in the water, the mussels ingest the dead bacteria through their normal filter-feeding process. It kills only zebra and quagga mussels and does not impact other aquatic species, including plants, fish or other native mussels. The product’s specificity and natural origin make it an essential product for managing these invasive species without the harmful consequences of chemical treatments. One six-hour treatment is enough to cause >90% mussel kill of both adults and larval veligers.

What Does Zequanox Cost?

When we first came out with Zequanox, it was more expensive than chlorine or copper with which it competed, and ten years ago, environmental concerns were not as sensitive as they are today. Today, the currently selling version of Zequanox, Generation 1.0, is often as cheap to purchase and apply as chlorine or copper without the damage to non-target species and the longer-term half-life of copper and chlorine in the environment. And, a new formulation of Zequanox 2.0 is currently in development, which should make it even less expensive and easier to apply in both closed systems and open water applications. Generation 2.0 of Zequanox is anticipated to be registered and available for sale in early 2026.

Applications of Zequanox in Enclosed and Open Water Systems

Enclosed (In-Pipe or Contained) Systems

Zebra and quagga mussels can cause severe problems in enclosed systems like industrial water pipelines, cooling towers, and other water-contained distribution systems by blocking pipes, valves, pumps and screens limiting water flow. Zequanox offers a practical solution for these environments with less down time and maintenance costs.

  • Industrial and Municipal Water Systems: Zequanox can be used directly in water systems with mussels. Its primary benefit is that it is non-corrosive, non-toxic and will not impact the equipment or the pipes. Regular treatments help avoid mussel infestations (precent larval settlement), while annual dosages can clean out existing infestations. Both treatment regimens ensure smooth and efficient operation.
  • Power Plants: Power plants are one of the industries most affected by mussel infestations. This is because the cooling systems are very susceptible to overheating due to mussel accumulation. However, treating the water with Zequanox ensures that there is limited mussel accumulation and that all components of the cooling system are protected. It also helps to save money on maintenance as well as down time.

Open Water Systems

There are unique challenges in managing invasive mussels in open water systems such as ponds, lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Zequanox offers environmentally friendly solutions that minimize harm to local aquatic life and ecosystems.

  • Early Infestation – Knock Out Strategy: When an initial infestation is detected, an early response treatment with Zequanox can prevent permanent establishment. Obviously, the earlier eradication is attempted the higher the odds of intervention can be accomplished. Zequanox treatments in the past have demonstrated the potential for eradication of new infestations. Treating boat landings and surrounding areas or whole lakes, streams and rivers are possible. If veligers are all that are detected, lower doses can deal with the problem. Or treat a limited area such as a boat landing with a higher dosage for adults and a broader area with a lower dosage for veliger control. Speedy response plan and quick action is critical.
  • Lakes and Reservoirs: By spraying Zequanox in certain places, such as near water intake structures or in essential habitats, mussel species can be managed without causing widespread ecological impact. An integrated pest management strategy (IPM) can protect water quality and biodiversity in open water environments.
  • Aquaculture Facilities: Zequanox is especially beneficial in facilities where fish and other aquatic species are raised. It allows for mussel control without harming the farmed species, hence encouraging healthy aquaculture operations.

Benefits of Zequanox
There are several reasons why Zequanox is an excellent choice when trying to manage invasive mussel infestations.

  • Selective Target: Zequanox only targets zebra and quagga mussels and does not harm any other living species in a given area.
  • Environmental Safety: It is sourced from natural bacteria and does not contain any dangerous substances that can be conveyed in the water. It dissipates and breaks down completely in a matter of hours.
  • Employee Safety: Unlike chemical treatments, Zequanox poses no health concerns to people handling the product or exposed to treated water.
  • Equipment Protection: Zequanox does not corrode or damage plant equipment and pipes, thus increasing the equipment life and reducing maintenance expenses.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Zequanox is registered with the EPA and most states. It is registered for closed pipe and open water application in all states in the US except for Hawaii and for open water in California. It is also registered for closed pipe in Canada. As such, it is easy for facilities to comply with environmental laws.

Zebra and quagga mussels are a significant concern to aquatic ecosystems and infrastructure. Zequanox is the most cost effective, safe, and eco-friendly solution available. It is an efficient method of controlling invasive mussels without relying on harmful standardized chemical treatments. Zequanox has a ten-year+ history of effective enclosed and open water system control making it the best solution for anyone who has to deal with zebra and quagga mussels.